Hasil Piala AFF U-19: Indonesia Lolos Semifinal Usai Hajar Timor Leste

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Timnas Indonesia U-19 bantai Timor Leste 6-2 pada laga terakhir Grup A Piala AFF U-19 2024 di Stadion Gelora Bung Tomo, Surabaya, Selasa (23/7) malam. Kemenangan ini membuat Indonesia lolos semifinal Piala AFF U-19 2024 sebagai juara Grup A.
Di menit ke-19 Timnas Indonesia U-19 berhasil unggul 1-0 lewat sontekan Jens Raven usai meneruskan umpan sepak pojok Muhammad Kafiatur.

Kemudian pada menit ke-22 Timor Leste mendapatkan penalti usai Alexandro Felix Kamuru melanggar penyerang Timor Leste Alexandro Bahkito di kotak penalti. Ricardo Rorinho yang menjadi eksekutor penalti sukses menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik untuk membawa Timor Leste menyamakan skor 1-1.
Pada menit ke-27 Indonesia berhasil kembali unggul 2-1 lewat gol Raven usai meneruskan umpan silang Kafiatur.

Di menit ke-45+1, Indonesia berhasil menambah keunggulan menjadi 3-1 atas Timor Leste lewat gol indah Figo Dennis dari luar kotak penalti yang membentur mistar lalu mengenai kiper lawan dan masuk ke gawang Timor Leste.

Hingga pertandingan babak pertama berakhir tak ada gol tambahan yang tercipta. Indonesia unggul 3-1 atas Timor Leste di babak pertama.

Pada awal babak kedua atau di menit ke-50 Indonesia berhasil mencetak gol keempat untuk mengubah skor menjadi 4-1 lewat gol Kadek Arel usai meneruskan umpan sepak pojok Kafiatur.

Pada menit ke-53 Timnas Indonesia U-19 sukses menambah skor menjadi 5-1 lewat gol Arkhan Kaka usai meneruskan umpan Jens Raven.

Kemudian pada menit ke-57 Indonesia menambah keunggulan menjadi 6-1 lewat gol indah Kafiatur dari luar kotak penalti.

Di menit ke-86 Timor Leste mampu memperkecil ketertinggalan lewat gol Alexandro Bahkito Lemos setelah tembakannya mengenai kaki Kadek Arel sehingga membelokkan bola dan masuk ke gawang Indonesia.

Hingga pertandingan berakhir tak ada gol tambahan yang tercipta. Indonesia menang 6-2 atas Timor Leste.

Kemenangan ini membuat Indonesia finis sebagai pemuncak klasemen akhir Grup A dengan poin sempurna, sembilan angka usai menyapu bersih tiga laga dengan kemenangan. Kemenangan ini membuat Indonesia lolos ke semifinal Piala AFF U-19 2024.

Susunan Pemain Timnas Indonesia U-19 vs Timor Leste di Piala AFF U-19:
Timnas Indonesia U-19 XI: Ikram Algiffari; Kadek Arel Priyatna, Muhammad Iqbal Gwijangge, Sulthan Zaky, Alexandro Felix Kamuru Rizdjar Nurviat; Welber Jardim, Figo Dennis, Muhammad Kafiatur; Jens Raven, Muhammad Ragil.

Timor Leste U-19 XI : Alexandre Oscar; Rui Juman, Carol Waitilia, Aureo Viera, Ricardo Rorinho; Palomito Antonio, Leonio Quilton, Marques de Carvalho; Alexandro Bahkito, Vabio Canavaro, Ario Melio


5 Tempat Makan Ini Punya Harga Terlalu Mahal, Sempat Viral di Medsos

Jakarta – Setiap tempat makan dan restoran sejatinya punya patokan harganya masing-masing. Kawasan tempat wisata saat momen liburan, rest area, hingga banda biasanya yang mematok harga yang cenderung mahal.
Namun, ada beberapa tempat yang menawarkan makanan dengan harga yang sangat tinggi. Sebagian orang yang mengeluh tempat tersebut punya harga makanan yang terlalu manal, yang bisa menguras kantong lho.

Saking mahalnya tak jarang orang ada yang protes dan membagikannya ke sosial media. Tak heran, beberapa tempat makan sempat viral karena masalah harga.

Lokasi yang Makanannya Punya Harga Terlalu Mahal
Dari catatan detikFood, berikut adalah tempat yang disebut punya harga makanan yang terlalu mahal:

1. Makan di Kawasan Wisata
Seorang pria menceritakan pengalamannya makan di sebuah restoran di kawasan wisata Situ Cileunca, Pangalengan, Jawa Barat.

Melalui video di YouTube, pria bernama Rudiman dan kawannya memesan 11 porsi ayam bakar dan goreng. Ketika ditotal, dirinya mendapatkan tagihan Rp 440.000.

Mereka juga memesan menu lain, seperti karedok, jengkol, ikan asin lengkap dengan minuman. Menu-menu sederhana tersebut totalnya mencapai Rp 915.000. Melihat totalan tersebut, dirinya pun merasa restoran tersebut menggetok harga.

Momen tersebut juga dibagikan channel YouTube Mang Dragon TV pada (09/01/2021). Videonya viral dan ramai ditanggapi netizen, setelah dibagikan ulang oleh akun Instagram @wisatapangalengan (10/01/2021).

Klasifikasi Pihak Restoran
Pemilik restoran juga telah memberikan klasifikasinya, melalui unggahan di Facebook Abahnazeni yang dibagikan di Grup Pangalengan Lembur Kuring.

Menurut pihak restoran, kemungkinan Rudiman memesannya lewat jasa calo dan tidak langsung ke restoran sehingga harganya mahal.

“Kang Arip ini beli dari penjual jasa/calo. Kita buka ya hara standar jajanan warung nasi yang ada di Situ Cileunca. Untuk harga makanan Rp 25.000 per porsi,” katanya.

Pemilik restoran tersebut juga mengatakan, pihaknya telah menghubungi wisatawan untuk memberi klarifikasi secara langsung.

“Dari pihak pembeli makanan yang bernama Arif gak mau datang ke sini, dan kita mau datangi pun dia gak mau kasih alamat,” ungkapnya ketika Dihubungi detikcom (11/01/21) lalu.

Karena kasus ini, Abahnazeni memutuskan mengambil jalur hukum untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini. Menurutnya, masalah ini bukan salah dari warung makan, melainkan si wisatawan yang memesan makanan lewat calo.

“Saya sudah ngadain pengacara, untuk kesalah pahaman ini dan dari pihak wisata mau bawa ini ke jalur hukum,” tutup Abahnazeni.

2. Makan di Rest Area
Seorang wanita bernama Nila Latarissa membagikan pengalamannya di akun TikTok. Dalam video, ia membagikan sebuah foto struk makanan dari salah satu restoran di rest area pada 05/07/2022.

Dalam video, ia membagikan sebuah foto struk makanan dari salah satu restoran di rest area. Kala itu, Nila dan lima orang lainnya makan di rest area Tol Jagorawi Km 10 yang ada di daerah Cipayung, Jakarta Timur.

Mereka memesan beberapa porsi makanan, seperti nasi gulai kikil, ayam goreng, soto daging,nasi ikan kembung, dan soto Kudus.

Harga makanan yang dipesannya dibanderol mulai dari Rp 10.000 – Rp 45.000 per porsinya. Jika, ditotal makan di restoran rest area itu Nilai perlu membayar Rp 495.000.

Menurutnya restoran tersebut melakukan getok harga, karena harga tersebut dianggapnya terlalu tinggi.

3. Nasi Padang di Bandara
Harga nasi Padang yang dianggap mahal juga ditemukan di Singapura. Salah satu netizen bernama Udaya kecewa, membagikan pengalamannya memakan nasi Padang di Jewel Changi Airport, Singapura.

Dari struk yang dibagikan, diketahui dirinya mengunjungi ke gerai Padang Lezat di food court di Bandara Jewel Changi pada 28/04/2023 lalu.
Ia memilih nasi putih dengan ayam goreng, ikan bilis, sayur tumis pare dan kacang panjang. Ketika ia melihat struk dia pun kaget, karena untuk seporsi nasi Padang itu ia harus membayar SGD 13 atau sekitar Rp 156 ribu (kurs 12.000 per 11/07/2024).

Dari ceritanya, dirinya hanya diarahkan untuk memesan dan memilih lauknya. Ia mengaku kalau pegawai di gerai di sana tidak memberikan informasi harga sama sekali.

4. Nasi Padang di Taman Safari
Taman Safari Indonesia yang berlokasi Cisarua, Bogor, memang dikenal jadi destinasi wisata keluarga saat liburan. Tak hanya untuk melihat dan berinteraksi dengan para satwa, di sana juga banyak penjual makanan.

Namun, salah satu pengunjung terkejut karena ada nasi Padang di sana yang harganya mencapai Rp 120.000. Alasan seporsi nasi Padang tersebut punya harga selangit, adalah karena setiap lauk dan komponennya dihitung satuan.

Misal, tambahan sayur singkong dan sambal cabe ijo masing-masing dibanderol Rp 8.000. Ada juga sayur nangka yang dihargai Rp 15.000 per sendoknya. Kalau dilihat, porsi yang diberikan memang biasa saja.

Sayangnya, tidak diketahui dengan pasti siapa yang memposting dan kapan foto kejadian tersebut terjadi.

5. Makan Mie Instan di Kafe
Pengguna Facebook bernama Derrel Surbakti, juga sempat membagikan bon tagihan setelah ia makan di sebuah kafe. Kala itu, dirinya makan di kafe bernama Poesaka Boenda, Siosa, Sumatra Utara pada 06/07/2023.

Lewat akun Facebooknya, ia menyebut memesan 3 gelas kopi susus aren, 2 es jeruk, 4 nasi goreng dan 1 mie instan goreng telur dengan harga Rp 25.000.

Setelah ditotal dengan PPN dan service charge, dirinya mendapat tagihan Rp 419.210. Unggahan Derrel pun langsung viral dan ramai ditanggapi netizen.

Banyak netizen yang setuju, kalau untuk menu-menu sederhana seperti itu harga yang dipatok terlalu mahal.

“Service charge itu menambah beban banget menurut saya. Sudah bayar service charge belum tentu pelayanannya excellent, kadang malah dijutekin,” tulis salah satu netizen.

Sementara itu, ada juga yang menganggap bahwa harga tersebut standar yang ditawarkan kafe-kafe kekinian. Terlebih, kafe itu menawarkan pemandangan perbukitan yang indah.

“Wajah aja sih, kalau gue cek emang kafenya bagus kayak nawarin pemandangan bagus juga. Tapi emang rata-rata harga makanan kafe ya segitu,” ujar netizen lainnya di kolom komentar.

Ngomongin kuliner, harga makanan seringnya jadi pertimbangan utama. Jadi, sebaiknya sebelum memesan makanan kalian bisa lihat menu atau tanya dulu ke pelayan berapa harganya ya.

Pegi Setiawan Bebas dari Tahanan Polda Jabar, Lempar Senyum-Lambaikan Tangan

Pegi Setiawan resmi bebas usai praperadilan dikabulkan. (Rifat Alhamidi/detikcom)

Jakarta – Praperadilan Pegi Setiawan yang dikabulkan Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Bandung menggugurkan status tersangkanya dalam kasus pembunuhan Vina Cirebon. Pegi Setiawan resmi bebas dari Mapolda Jabar.
Dilansir detikJabar, Pegi keluar dari ruang tahanan Direktorat Perawatan Tahanan dan Barang Bukti (Dittahti) Polda Jabar, Senin (8/7/2024) sekitar pukul 21.39 WIB. Kebebasan Pegi sudah disambut keluarga hingga kuasa hukumnya yang datang ke Polda Jabar.

Setelah resmi bebas, Pegi yang mengenakan kaus kuning terlihat berulang kali melemparkan senyum. Pegi mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah mendukungnya hingga bisa bebas dari kasus Vina Cirebon.

“Saya mengucapkan terima kasih banyak terhadap masyarakat Indonesia. Terima kasih banyak kepada Bapak Presiden Joko Widodo, kepada Presiden terpilih Bapak Prabowo Subianto dan tim lainnya,” kata Pegi di Mapolda Jabar.

“Dan saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada netizen Indonesia yang telah mendukung saya dan mau mendoakan saya. Terima kasih juga kepada tim kuasa hukum yang selama ini sudah membela saya,” ucap Pegi menambahkan.

Setelah resmi bebas, Pegi mengaku dalam kondisi sehat. “Sehat, alhamdulillah. Di sini seperti biasa, sehari-hari paling tidur, makan, tidur, makan,” ungkapnya.

15 Destinasi Instagrammable di Bali yang Harus Sobat Pesona Kunjungi

Siapa yang tidak menginginkan koleksi foto Instagram yang indah dan memuaskan secara visual sekaligus menampilkan petualangan yang menakjubkan? Bagi mereka yang merencanakan perjalanan liburan ke Bali, 15 destinasi ini akan menjamin foto-foto yang Sobat Pesona ambil menjadi sangat indah!

1 | Banyumala Twin Waterfall

15 Instagrammable Destinations You Must Visit in Bali

Tidak hanya terkenal dan sering dikunjungi seperti berbagai tujuan wisata lainnya di Bali, Banyumala Twin Waterfall masih terjaga kelestariannya. Air terjun yang menakjubkan ini berada di jalan tepi kawah antara Munduk dan jalan utama dari Singaraja menuju Denpasar. Definisi “nothing worth having comes easy”, sesuai dengan sulitnya pendakian untuk mencari dan mencapainya, tetapi Sobat Pesona akan terpuaskan ketika sampai pada lokasi ini. Sepanjang perjalan Sobat Pesona akan dikelilingi dengan hijaunya pepohonan, bebatuan dan sungai hingga Sobat Pesona mencapai air terjunnya. Kunjungi Banyumala Twin Waterfall untuk waktu relaksasi, dimana lokasi ini sangat cocok untuk bersantai selama liburan!

2 | Campuhan Ridge Walk

15 Instagrammable Destinations You Must Visit in Bali

Selain pesona ombaknya, Bali juga populer dengan wisata alam yang menakjubkan. Satu hal yang harus Sobat Pesona kunjungi adalah Campuhan Ridge Walk. Terletak di Ubud yang modern dan ramai, jalur pendakian lembah pegunungan yang indah ini jelas merupakan tempat yang terbaik untuk melepas penat dan menghirup udara segar.Di sepanjang perjalanan Sobat Pesona akan menempuh jalur perbukitan yang terbentang sepanjang 9 kilometer, Sobat Pesona akan ditemani oleh pemandangan lereng bukit yang paling menakjubkan dan lembah hijau Sungai Wos. Jika Sobat Pesona beruntung dan cuacanya cukup baik, Gunung Agung yang gagah menjulang di antara perbukitan dapat terlihat jelas. Lokasi ini memang benar-benar bisa menambah petualangan Sobat Pesona di Bali jadi indah dan menakjubkan!

3 | Pura Gunung Kawi 

15 Instagrammable Destinations You Must Visit in Bali
Sumber foto @mj.away

Salah satu situs arkeologi paling paling unik di Pulau Bali adalah Pura Gunung Kawi yang terdiri dari koleksi relief kuno yang diukir di atas permukaan tebing batu. Dengan mengunjungi situs ini, Sobat Pesona akan disuguhi pemandangan Sungai Pakerisan yang menakjubkan serta halaman Pura yang bernuansa Pura Hindu kuno dengan sentuhan modern. Pura ini mudah ditemukan dan merupakan destinasi yang penting untuk ditambahkan ke rencana perjalanan Sobat Pesona di Bali. Sebelum memasuki situs, Sobat Pesona akan menaiki anak tangga, dan akan ditawarkan vas dari tanah yang berisikan air suci dimana Sobat Pesona perlu memercikkannya air ke diri sendiri sebelum memasuki kompleks Pura. Pengalaman yang sangat eksotis ini, pantas mendapat tempat khusus dalam bucket list Sobat Pesona! Jadi tunggu apa lagi? Segera kunjungi Pura Gunung Kawi!

4 | Taman Budaya GWK

15 Instagrammable Destinations You Must Visit in Bali

Sedang mencari ide perjalanan yang kaya akan budaya, dengan monumen bersejarah yang megah, atraksi tarian tradisional yang eksotis, dan acara yang penuh adrenalin dalam satu perhentian? Nah, Sobat Pesona tinggal mengunjungi Taman Budaya GWK. Saksikan berbagai keindahan tarian Bali seperti tarian Kecak yang eksotis, tarian Legong yang megah, serta banyak tarian lainnya yang memukau ditampilkan di sini. Jangan lupa untuk bersantai di sisi Kolam Teratai GWK sambil mengamati kemegahan patung Garuda Wisnu Kencana yang menjulang setinggi 120 meter dan dibangun selama 28 tahun. Perjalanan seru seperti ini pastilah akan membuat liburan Sobat Pesona menjadi tak terlupakan.

5 | Handara Golf Course Gate

15 Instagrammable Destinations You Must Visit in Bali
Sumber foto @sam_kolder

Gerbang ikonik ini juga bisa menjadi salah satu tempat yang paling menarik untuk konten Instagram Sobat Pesona! Dengan pemandangan hijau yang indah dan suasana yang damai, tak heran jika orang banyak mengunjungi Bali akan menyempatkan untuk datang ke sini. Selain gerbang tradisional Bali yang megah dan eksotis, manjakan mata dan hiasi foto Sobat Pesona dengan pemandangan siluet bukit hijau yang menakjubkan. Buat kagum juga teman-teman Sobat Pesona dengan foto keren di Handara Golf Course Gate!

6 | Pantai Kelingking Nusa Penida

15 Instagrammable Destinations You Must Visit in Bali
Sumber foto @annabeerends

Bali memiliki pantai yang menakjubkan dan sangat terkenal di seluruh penjuru dunia karena keindahan alamnya. Pantai Kelingking akan membawa Sobat Pesona ke pengalaman di tingkat yang jauh lebih tinggi. Sebagai salah satu tempat yang paling menakjubkan di Bali, Pantai Kelingking layak dimasukan ke dalam daftar tempat yang wajib Sobat Pesona kunjungi di Bali. Lokasi ini tersohor dengan tebing yang membentuk T-Rex juga pantai indah yang bagai surga tersembunyi. Jalan menuju lokasi ini beberapa berupa tebing-tebing yang curam dan belum memiliki pengamanan yang maksimum, sehingga Sobat Pesona perlu berhati-hati dan memperhatikan tiap langkah serta mengikuti peraturan yang ada. Sobat Pesona akan terpana menyaksikan pemandangan yang menakjubkan dimana perairan biru yang jernih membingkai tebing T-Rex yang ikonik. Sobat Pesona juga dapat melihat pantai tersembunyi di antara tebing-tebing yang hanya dapat diakses secara sangat hati-hati melalui jalan kecil menyusuri anak tangga yang cukup curam.

7 | Pura Luhur Lempuyang

15 Instagrammable Destinations You Must Visit in Bali
Sumber foto @charlene22

Tempat favorit Instagramable berikutnya adalah Pura Luhur Lempuyang. Destinasi ini adalah Pura gunung kuno yang terletak di Bali Timur. Pura ini diyakini telah berdiri sebelum sebagian besar Pura Hindu di Bali berdiri, serta terletak di 1.175 meter diatas permukaan laut. Ketinggian yang dapat dicapai dengan menaiki anak tangga yang mencapai lebih dari 1.700 buah, dengan banyak spot menarik di sepanjang jalannya, termasuk beberapa Pura yang lebih kecil. Bagi Sobat Pesona yang mencari petualangan dan menyukai pendakian dicampurkan dengan pengalaman melihat situs arkeologi yang eksotis, tempat ini tidak boleh dilewatkan. Tetapi tidak perlu khawatir! Untuk Sobat Pesona yang kurang menyukai hiking, tetap dapat menikmati pemandangan yang menakjubkan dari kaki gunung. Pemandangan eksotis, tradisional, bersejarah dan menakjubkan, sangat sempurna untuk membuat liburan yang tak terlupakan!

8 | Pura Ulun Danu Bratan

15 Instagrammable Destinations You Must Visit in Bali
Sumber foto @sergeykbn

Sebuah landmark terkenal yang indah dan bersejarah, Pura Ulun Danu Bratan adalah destinasi wisata yang sangat populer bagi turis lokal maupun mancanegara. Terletak di posisi strategis di jalan yang menyambungkan Bali Utara dan Selatan. Pura ikonik ini dikelilingi perairan yang tenang bagaikan cermin yang seakan-akan membuat Pura ini melayang. Pura ini telah menjadi spot berfoto favorit bagi banyak orang mulai dari yang menggunakan kamera Polaroid, kamera Digital, hingga era kamera smartphone untuk foto Instagram sekarang ini. Walaupun daya tarik utamanya adalah Pura terapung, tetapi seluruh kompleks Pura sendiri akan memberikan pengalaman bersejarah dengan atmosfer yang menenangkan yang tidak ingin Sobat Pesona lewatkan!

9 | Tanah Lot

15 Instagrammable Destinations You Must Visit in Bali
Sumber foto @nastasiaspassport

Salah satu destinasi yang sangat penting di Bali adalah Tanah Lot, Pura Hindu kuno yang eksotis terletak di atas karang yang menantang deru ombak. Terkenal karena posisi lepas pantainya yang unik yang menjadikan Tanah Lot sebagai salah satu lokasi paling menakjubkan untuk memandang matahari terbenam. Tanah Lot merupakan tempat ikonik yang harus Sobat Pesona tuju untuk pengalaman Bali yang seutuhnya. Tanah Lot merupakan salah satu destinasi paling populer bagi para wisatawan karena situs ini menawarkan semua keunikan kebudayaan Tradisional Bali. Sobat Pesona juga dapat memilih banyak suvenir dan membawa pulang sebagian Bali ke rumah! Mulai dari topeng, tas dan banyak suvenir tradisional lainnya.  

10 | Terasering Tegalalang

15 Instagrammable Destinations You Must Visit in Bali
Sumber foto @samisfierce

Terletak strategis di Ubud yang ramai dan populer, Terasering Tegalalang menawarkan pemandangan persawahan yang megah. Terasering ini menawarkan lukisan alam yang memukau bagi para pengunjungnya, dimana hamparan persawahan menghijau di antara perbukitan yang segar. Pemandangan pepohonan yang rimbun yang menjulang dari hutan di sekitaran, juga sangat cocok bagi Sobat Pesona yang ingin tenang bersantai menghirup udara segar dan terbebas dari keriuhan perkotaan. Sebuah tempat yang pasti akan membuat kenangan indah untuk Sobat Pesona!

11 | The Bali Swing

15 Instagrammable Destinations You Must Visit in Bali

The Bali Swing menjadi tempat yang sangat populer dan hype sebagai spot yang Instagramable. Di sini terdapat beberapa ayunan yang berada di ketinggian yang bervariasi sambil menghadap ke lembah pohon palem indah yang berpadu dengan gemercik sungai yang menyejukkan. Suasana hutan Bali yang asri di sekitar lokasi ini, pasti bisa memikat hati Sobat Pesona. Pastikan untuk mengunjungi di waktu yang tepat karena antusiasme terhadap tempat ini dan pemandangan yang menakjubkan tentunya menarik banyak pengunjung. Hal yang wajib dilakukan juga adalah memastikan untuk datang pada kondisi cuaca terbaik, juga pada saat golden hour. Datanglah pagi hari dan dapatkan cahaya lembut untuk menghasilkan foto yang terbaik! Selamat bergaya!

12 | Tirta Empul

15 Instagrammable Destinations You Must Visit in Bali

Terletak di Desa Manukaya di bagian tengah Bali, kompleks Pura yang memikat mata dan air suci dari gunung ini adalah situs warisan budaya nasional yang memiliki latar legenda mengenai kisah kebaikan melawan kejahatan. Tirta Empul yang berarti ‘mata air suci’ sebenarnya adalah nama sumber air yang terletak di dalam Pura. Mata air ini mengalir ke berbagai pemandian tempat memurnikan diri, dan kolam-kolam ikan yang mengelilingi batas luar Pura, sebelum akhirnya mengalir ke Sungai Tukad Pakerisan. Lokasi ini cocok untuk Sobat Pesona yang tertarik pada sejarah, mitos dan legenda Bali. Momen upacara adat juga termasuk prosesi yang menakjubkan untuk disaksikan.

13 | Tirta Gangga Water Palace

Terkenal karena taman airnya yang megah, Tirta Gangga telah menjadi salah satu tujuan utama bagi penggemar estetika untuk datang dan berfoto disana. Seperti kompleks pemandian lainnya, taman ini terdiri dari taman tropis, kolam berendam, juga kolam ikan. Ada juga air mancur yang dikelilingi oleh rumput yang dipotong rapi dan dihiasi dengan batu loncatan, patung indah, dan taman tropis. Lokasi destinasi ini, terletak di desa Ababi, sekitar 75 km sebelah timur Denpasar. Perpaduan antara suasana ketenangan dan arsitektur tradisional Bali yang amat menarik, akan membuat koleksi foto liburan di Instagram Sobat Pesona lebih inspiratif.

15 Instagrammable Destinations You Must Visit in Bali
Dalam foto @beatrizazzevedo, Foto dan Edit oleh @thegingerwanderlust dan @lorenzowanderlust

14 | Pura Uluwatu

Memiliki nama asli Pura Luhur Uluwatu, Pura ini adalah salah satu dari 6 Pura utama yang diyakini sebagai pilar spiritual Bali. Pura Uluwatu juga terkenal karena lokasinya yang luar biasa. Berdiri megah di atas tebing curam sekitar 70 meter diatas permukaan laut. Sulit untuk tidak mengakui Pura Uluwatu sebagai salah satu tempat di urutan teratas untuk menikmati matahari terbenam dengan pemandangan langsung menghadap samudera Hindia, sambil diiringi pertunjukan tari Kecak yang membahana. Tampilan menakjubkan ini akan membuat gambaran yang sempurna di Instagram Sobat Pesona! Jangan lupa untuk datang sebelum jam matahari terbenam ya!

15 Instagrammable Destinations You Must Visit in Bali
Sumber foto @mindz.eye

15 | Wanagiri Hidden Hills Lookout

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Israeli tanks reach central Rafah as strikes continue

Rushdi Abu Alouf,David GrittenShare

Reuters A man and a young boy walk among ruins in Rafah

Israeli forces have reportedly reached the centre of the southern Gaza city of Rafah and seized a strategically important hill overlooking the nearby border with Egypt.

Witnesses and local journalists said tanks were stationed at al-Awda roundabout, which is considered a key landmark.

They also said tanks were on Zoroub Hill, effectively giving Israel control of the Philadelphi Corridor – a narrow strip of land running along the border to the sea.

The Israeli military said its troops were continuing activities against “terror targets” in Rafah, three weeks after it launched the ground operation there.

Western areas of the city also came under intense bombardment overnight, residents said, despite international condemnation of an Israeli air strike and a resulting fire on Sunday that killed dozens of Palestinians at a tented camp for displaced people.

The Israeli military said it was investigating the possibility that the fire was caused by the explosion of weapons stored by Hamas in the vicinity.

It also denied reports from local health and emergency services officials on Tuesday afternoon that tank shells had hit another camp in al-Mawasi, on the coast west of Rafah, killing at least 21 people.

Reuters news agency cited local health officials as saying the blast occurred after Israeli tank shells hit a cluster of tents in al-Mawasi on Tuesday. An official in the Hamas-run civil defence force also told AFP there had been a deadly Israeli strike on tents.

Videos posted to social media and analysed by BBC Verify showed multiple people with serious injuries, some lying motionless on the ground, near tents and other temporary structures.

There was no clear sign of a blast zone or crater, making it impossible to ascertain the cause of the incident. The location – verified through reference to surrounding buildings – is between Rafah and al-Mawasi, and lies south of the IDF’s designated humanitarian zone.

The IDF said in a statement: “Contrary to the reports from the last few hours, the IDF did not strike in the humanitarian area in al-Mawasi.”

Israel has insisted that victory in its seven-month war with Hamas in Gaza is impossible without taking Rafah and rejected warnings that it could have catastrophic humanitarian consequences.

The UN says around a million people have now fled the fighting in Rafah, but several hundred thousand more could still be sheltering there.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) began what they called “targeted” ground operations against Hamas fighters and infrastructure in the east of Rafah on 6 May.

Since then, tanks and troops have gradually pushed into built-up eastern and central areas while also moving northwards along the 13km (8-mile) border with Egypt.

On Tuesday, they reportedly reached the city centre for the first time.

The al-Awda roundabout, which is only 800m (2,600 ft) from the border, is the location of major banks, government institutions, businesses, and shops.

One witness said they saw soldiers position themselves at the top of a building overlooking the roundabout and then begin to shoot at anyone who was moving.

Video posted online meanwhile showed tank track marks on a road about 3km west of al-Awda roundabout and 300m from the Indonesian field hospital, which was damaged overnight.

Reuters A Palestinian girl sits on top of possessions being transported by a cart in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip (28 May 2024)
The UN says around a million people have fled Rafah since the start of the Israeli ground operation in the city

Earlier, residents told the BBC that tanks seized Zoroub Hill, about 2.5km north-west of al-Awda roundabout, after gun battles with Hamas-led fighters.

The hill is highest point along the Egyptian border and its seizure means the entire Gazan side of the border is now effectively under Israeli control.

Zoroub Hill also overlooks western Rafah, where residents said there had been the heaviest air and artillery strikes overnight since the start of the Israeli operation.

A local journalist said the bombardment forced hundreds of families to seek temporary shelter in the courtyard of a hospital, while ambulances struggled to reach casualties in the affected areas.

At dawn, thousands of people were seen heading north, crammed into cars and lorries and onto carts pulled by donkeys and horses.

“The explosions are rattling our tent, my children are frightened, and my sick father makes it impossible for us to escape the darkness,” resident Khaled Mahmoud told the BBC.

“We are supposed to be in a safe zone according to the Israeli army, yet we have not received evacuation orders like those in the eastern [Rafah] region,” he added. “We fear for our lives if no-one steps in to protect us.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) did not comment on the various reports but put out a statement saying that “overnight troops operated on the Philadelphi Corridor while conducting precise operational activity based on intelligence indicating the presence of terror targets in the area”.

“The activity is being conducted as efforts are continuing to be made in order to prevent harm to uninvolved civilians in the area,” it added.

“The troops are engaging with terrorists in close-quarters combat and locating terror tunnel shafts, weapons, and additional terrorist infrastructure in the area.”

The IDF has told civilians in eastern Rafah to evacuate for their own safety to an “expanded humanitarian area” stretching from al-Mawasi, a coastal area just north of Rafah, to the central town of Deir al-Balah.

EPA A Palestinian woman reacts next to tents destroyed by a fire triggered by an Israeli air strike in western Rafah on Sunday, in the southern Gaza Strip (28 May 2024)
Israel’s prime minister said the killing of civilians in an air strike and resulting fire in Rafah on Sunday was a “tragedy”

On Sunday night, at least 45 people – more than half of them children, women and the elderly – were killed when an Israeli air strike triggered a huge fire in a camp for displaced people near a UN logistics base in the Tal al-Sultan area, according to the Hamas-run health ministry.

Hundreds more were treated for severe burns, fractures and shrapnel wounds.

The IDF said it was targeting two senior Hamas officials in the attack, which happened hours after Hamas fighters in south-eastern Rafah launched rockets towards the Israeli city of Tel Aviv for the first time in months.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said a “tragic incident” had occurred “despite our immense efforts to avoid harming non-combatants” and promised a thorough investigation.

IDF chief spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said on Tuesday that the strike had targeted a structure used by the Hamas commanders which was away from any tents, using “two munitions with small warheads”.

“Following this strike, a large fire ignited for reasons that are still being investigated. Our munitions alone could not have ignited a fire of this size,” he said.

Rear Adm Hagari added that investigators were looking into the possibility that the fire was caused by the explosion of weapons or ammunition stored in a nearby structure, and played what he said was an intercepted telephone conversation between two Gazans suggesting that. The audio recording could not immediately be verified.

Sam Rose of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, Unrwa, told the BBC from western Rafah that the killing of so many civilians could not be dismissed as an accident.

“Gaza was already one of the most overcrowded places on the planet. It is absolutely impossible to prosecute a military campaign involving large-scale munitions, strikes from the sky, the sea, the tanks, without exacting large-scale civilian casualties,” he said.

“It seems like we are plumbing new depths of horror, bloodshed and brutality with every single day. And if this isn’t a wake-up call, then it’s hard to see what will be.”

Last week, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered Israel to “immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part”.

Israel launched a military campaign in Gaza to destroy Hamas in response to the group’s cross-border attack on southern Israel on 7 October, during which about 1,200 people were killed and 252 others were taken hostage.

At least 36,090 people have been killed in Gaza since then, according to the Hamas-run health ministry.

Russian plot to kill Zelensky foiled, Kyiv says

Telegram/SBU Footage shows a man being arrested
Ukraine said it arrested two Ukrainian officials who worked with the Russian security services

The Ukrainian security service (SBU) says it has foiled a Russian plot to assassinate President Volodymyr Zelensky and other high-ranking Ukrainian officials.

Two Ukrainian government protection unit colonels have been arrested.

The SBU said they were part of a network of agents belonging to the Russian state security service (FSB).

They had reportedly been searching for willing “executors” among Mr Zelensky’s bodyguards to kidnap and kill him.

Ever since Russian paratroopers attempted to land in Kyiv and assassinate President Zelensky in the early hours and days of the full-scale invasion, plots to assassinate him have been commonplace.

The Ukrainian leader said at the start of the invasion he was Russia’s “number one target”.

But this alleged plot stands out from the rest. It involves serving colonels, whose job it was to keep officials and institutions safe, allegedly hired as moles.

Other targets included military intelligence head Kyrylo Budanov and SBU chief Vasyl Malyuk, the agency added.

The group had reportedly planned to kill Mr Budanov before Orthodox Easter, which this year fell on 5 May.

According to the SBU, the plotters had aimed to use a mole to get information about his location, which they would then have attacked with rockets, drones and anti-tank grenades.

One of the officers who was later arrested had already bought drones and anti-personnel mines, the SBU said.

Telegram/SBU An anti-tank grenade
The SBU said it found various ordnance, including an anti-tank grenade, on the plotters

SBU head Vasyl Malyuk said the attack was supposed to be “a gift to Putin before the inauguration” – referring to Russia’s Vladimir Putin who was sworn in for a fifth term as president at the Kremlin on Tuesday.

The operation turned into a failure of the Russian special services, Mr Malyuk said.

“But we must not forget – the enemy is strong and experienced, he cannot be underestimated,” he added.

The two Ukrainian officials are being held on suspicion of treason and of preparing a terrorist act.

The SBU said three FSB employees oversaw the organisation and the attack.

One of them, named as Dmytro Perlin, had been recruiting “moles” since before Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Another FSB employee, Oleksiy Kornev, reportedly held “conspiratorial” meetings “in neighbouring European states” before the invasion with one of the Ukrainian colonels arrested.

In a released interrogation with one of the suspects, they can be heard describing how they were paid thousands of dollars directly by parcels or indirectly through their relatives. It is not clear whether he was speaking under duress or not.

Investigators insist they monitored the men throughout. We are unlikely to know how close they came to carrying out their alleged plan.

The plot may read like a thriller but it is also a reminder of the risks Ukraine’s wartime leader faces.

Last month, a Polish man was arrested and charged with planning to co-operate with Russian intelligence services to aid a possible assassination of Mr Zelensky.

At the weekend Ukraine’s president appeared on the Russian interior ministry’s wanted list on unspecified charges.

The foreign ministry in Kyiv condemned the move as showing “the desperation of the Russian state machine and propaganda”, and pointed out that the International Criminal Court had issued a warrant for Vladimir Putin’s arrest.


Australian PM calls Elon Musk an ‘arrogant billionaire’ in row over attack footage

Reuters Elon MuskReutersElon Musk (pictured) has accused Anthony Albanese of censorship

Australia’s leader has called Elon Musk an “arrogant billionaire” in an escalating feud over X’s reluctance to remove footage of a church stabbing.

On Monday, an Australian court ordered Mr Musk’s social media firm – formerly called Twitter – to hide videos of last week’s attack in Sydney.

X previously said it would comply “pending a legal challenge”.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s criticism followed Mr Musk using a meme to accuse his government of censorship.

On Tuesday, Mr Albanese told ABC News that Mr Musk “thinks he’s above the law but also above common decency”.

Last week Australia’s eSafety Commissioner, an independent regulator, threatened X and other social media companies with hefty fines if they did not remove videos of the stabbing at the Assyrian Christ the Good Shepherd church, which police have called a terror attack.

X has argued the order is “not within the scope of Australian law”.

The commissioner sought a court injunction after saying it was clear that X was allowing users outside Australia to continue accessing footage.

“I find it extraordinary that X chose not to comply and are trying to argue their case,” Mr Albanese told a press briefing.

In a subsequent series of online posts, Mr Musk wrote: “I’d like to take a moment to thank the PM for informing the public that this platform is the only truthful one.” Another depicted a Wizard of Oz-style path to “freedom” leading to an X logo.

Earlier, he also criticised eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant personally, describing her as the “Australian censorship commissar”.

Mr Albanese defended Ms Inman Grant, saying she was protecting Australians.

“Social media needs to have social responsibility with it. Mr Musk is not showing any,” he said.

The platform will have 24 hours to comply with Monday evening’s injunction, with a further hearing into the matter expected in the coming days.


If the US bans TikTok, China will be getting a taste of its own medicine

TikTok's headquarters in Culver City, California

TikTok’s headquarters in Culver City, California Ringo Chiu/AP

Editor’s Note: Sign up for CNN’s Meanwhile in China newsletter which explores what you need to know about the country’s rise and how it impacts the world.Hong KongCNN — 

TikTok is now facing a ban in the United States, a fate that has already befallen a string of American social media giants that tried to make it in China.

On Wednesday, the US House of Representatives passed a bill which could ban TikTok in the country if its Chinese owner ByteDance doesn’t sell the app to an entity that satisfies the US government.

“The bill passed by the US House of Representatives puts the US on the opposite side of the principle of fair competition and international economic and trade rules,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a briefing Thursday.

But American apps have long been barred in China. Beijing currently blocks most US social media platforms — including Google, YouTube, X, Instagram and Meta — because they refuse to follow the Chinese government’s rules on data collection and the type of content shared.

In 2010, Google pulled out from mainland China after operating there for four years. It said at the time that it was no longer willing to continue censoring results on Google.cn, citing Chinese-originated hacks on it and other US companies.

More than 10 years after that high-profile retreat, the shoe is on the other foot, even if the circumstances aren’t exactly the same.

“The TikTok bill appears likely to become law and China’s displeasure seems ironic, if not hypocritical, given its stance toward American social apps,” said Brock Silvers, managing director at Kaiyuan Capital.

Asked about China’s stance on US apps, Wang said “this is completely different” and “you can clearly see what is bullying and what is gangster logic.”

The focus is now on the US Senate, where many lawmakers said they are still evaluating the legislation. President Joe Biden has said he will sign the bill if it reaches his desk.

US officials and legislators have long expressed concerns about TikTok’s potential national security risks, including that it could share data with the Chinese government, or manipulate content displayed on the platform. But TikTok has rejected the claims.

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On Thursday, following the House vote, the Chinese Commerce Ministry pledged that the country would take “all necessary measures” to safeguard its interests regarding TikTok.

The Chinese government has said it strongly opposes a forced sale of TikTok, and it has the legal ability to do so. It views TikTok’s technology as highly valuable and has taken steps since 2020 to ensure it can veto any sale by ByteDance.

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U.S. House adopts bill that could ban TikTok amid Trump resistance

03:26 – Source: CNN

Beijing’s next steps

In August 2020, following an attempt by the Trump administration to force the sale of TikTok, Beijing revised its export control rules to cover a variety of technologies it deemed sensitive, including technology that appears similar to TikTok’s personalized information recommendation services.

Years later, in March 2023, a Commerce Ministry spokeswoman said in the government’s first direct response to the matter that China would oppose any forced sale of TikTok, because a sale or divestiture of the app would involve exporting technology and had to be approved by the Chinese government. Beijing has not indicated any change to this position since then.

A man walks past the headquarters of ByteDance, the parent company of TikTok, in Beijing.

A man walks past the headquarters of ByteDance, the parent company of TikTok, in Beijing. Greg Baker/AFP/Getty Images

TikTok’s algorithms, which keep users glued to the app, are believed to be key to its success. The algorithms give recommendations based on users’ behavior, thus pushing videos they actually like and want to watch.

“TikTok’s crown jewel, its AI algorithms, will put the company into a legal tug of war,” said Winston Ma, adjunct professor at New York University School of Law, adding that ByteDance is subject to Chinese laws that require it to seek Beijing’s approval before selling advanced technologies.

Silvers said it was possible that TikTok could seek a “middle ground” to try to meet US requirements for ownership, but it’s unclear whether American concerns can be mollified by cosmetic change.

He said the episode is likely to worsen relations between Beijing and Washington, which are already mired in an escalating battle over access to advanced technology such as computer chips and AI.

“Markets should expect [China to have] retaliatory actions against US firms as tech and trade issues continue on a negative trajectory,” he said.

Other apps?

If TikTok is eventually banned, more Chinese-owned apps in the US may be next in line, according to Alex Capri, a research fellow at the Hinrich Foundation and a lecturer at the National University of Singapore Business School.

“This latest episode with TikTok underscores the need for a much more robust regulatory framework in the US to address existential issues wrought by big-tech, in general,” he said.

Applications from Chinese developers popular in the US App Store or Google Play include budget retailers Temu and Shein, as well as short-form video editing app Capcut, which is also owned by ByteDance.

“This legislation marks a pivotal moment in the ongoing battle for control over emerging public opinion spaces, deepening the geopolitical contest between China and the US,” said Craig Singleton, senior China fellow at the non-partisan Foundation for Defense of Democracies in Washington, DC.

On Chinese social media site Weibo, hashtags related to TikTok being potentially banned in the US were trending on Thursday, generating 78 million views and thousands of discussion posts.

“Why can’t we just talk about business instead of elevating everything to the national [security] level?” said Weibo user “Mastering technology” in a post that was ranked “hot” by the platform. “Direct interference in business operations is inconsistent with the values of free market economy that the US has always advocated.”

“This is the US version of nationalism,” another user wrote.

Some online commentators urged Beijing to retaliate by taking action against US companies operating in China. But that was questioned by other users.

“We’ve already been unable to use Google, Twitter, and Facebook for more than a decade,” said one user. “I think we are way ahead of the US in blocking foreign news media [services].”

Capri said the saga exposes the “ironies and inequalities” https://bukanlah.com of US-China commercial exchange.

“While China has completely banned [these] American apps, TikTok enjoys all the benefits of America’s free and open legal and political systems,” he said.

How Trump will seek to pit federal judges against each other to avoid trial

Former President Donald Trump onstage in Nashville on February 22, 2024.

Former President Donald Trump onstage in Nashville on February 22, 2024. Jon Cherry/Getty ImagesCNN — 

Former President Donald Trump’s lawyers see a major opportunity this week to use his criminal document mishandling case in Florida to create an impasse on his calendar for the two federal judges overseeing his major criminal cases.

Juggling his campaign and court calendar and playing his cases off one another is a key part of Trump’s legal strategy. The ultimate goal, his team has said openly, is to prevent Trump from being tried in federal court before voters cast their ballots in the 2024 general election.

WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 19: The Supreme Court of the United States, on Wednesday, April 19, 2023 in Washington, DC. The High Court is expected to rule on whether or not to allow restrictions on the drugs mifepristone ordered by a lower court to take effect  as abortion opponents are seeking to roll back FDA approval of mifepristone, which is used in the most common method of abortion in the United States.

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A primary aim for Trump’s legal team, according to people familiar with the strategy, is to put the judge in DC overseeing the 2020 federal election obstruction case, Tanya Chutkan, in a position where she can’t start a trial before Election Day.

“Meaning, ice her,” said a person familiar with Trump’s trial schedule strategy. “Making it impossible for her to jam a trial down before the election, by things that are out of her control.”

Chutkan set an initial trial date for March 4, which has been delayed indefinitely because of appeals. Yet if the Supreme Court returns the case to Chutkan, that trial could be back on the calendar within a month or two.

One way to hamper Chutkan is to convince the judge in Florida, Aileen Cannon, to move Trump’s Mar-a-Lago document mishandling trial from late May until the summer.

Then, as summer approaches, the Mar-a-Lago case may require Cannon to push the trial back again and again because of the legal complexities around classified documents that still have to be worked out, according to people familiar with the case.

Judges Aileen Canon and Tanya Chutkan

Judges Aileen Canon and Tanya Chutkan US Courts

Trump has already asked the federal judges and a state judge in a third criminal case he faces, the Georgia election subversion case, to delay any trials until after the November election. Both federal judges, Chutkan and Cannon, have said no. But a gradually shifting calendar could be just as effective at shielding Trump from other trials through the summer, multiple sources familiar with the former president’s legal strategy told CNN.

Cannon has signaled a willingness in recent months to considering pushing back the date. And the prosecutors and defense teams are engaged in protracted court fights over access to evidence – classified records and information from far corners of the federal government – that Cannon still has to resolve. Cannon is a Trump appointee in an area of Florida with many Trump voters in a potential jury pool. She drew bipartisan criticism in the legal world for how she handled an earlier part of the case and has moved slowly to resolve the pretrial issues.

Chutkan’s court is an entirely different profile – where the Washington, DC, jury pool leans liberal and has convicted many January 6, 2021, rioters at trials. Chutkan is a Barack Obama appointee who ruled against Trump on the key issue of the case – presidential immunity – and also issued a limited gag order against the former president.

ATLANTA, GA - FEBRUARY 15: Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis testifies during a hearing in the case of the State of Georgia v. Donald John Trump at the Fulton County Courthouse on February 15, 2024 in Atlanta, Georgia. Judge Scott McAfee is hearing testimony as to whether Willis and Special Prosecutor Nathan Wade should be disqualified from the case for allegedly lying about a personal relationship. (Photo by Alyssa Pointer-Pool/Getty Images)

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Chutkan “might have him on trial the day of the election. If she wants to do that, we might as well just make Trump president right now,” one of the sources said.

Trump often uses his court proceedings to draw attention to his prosecutions, calling them politically motivated. While he frequently makes campaign speeches outside courtrooms, Trump isn’t required to attend most pretrial hearings, and he isn’t even required to be in the courtroom as a defendant after a trial begins.

“The Special Counsel seeks urgently to force President Trump into a months-long criminal trial at the height of campaign season, effectively sidelining him and preventing him from campaigning against the current President,” Trump’s lawyers recently wrote to the Supreme Court, which has his 2020 election case on hold as it looks at questions he raised around presidential immunity.

Critical hearing in Florida on Friday

While the two federal cases remain in limbo, Trump will first go on trial in late March in Manhattan, in a fourth criminal case in which he is accused of falsifying business records to cover up hush money payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels to protect his 2016 presidential campaign. That trial could last into May, according to the judge on the case.

That case is seen by Trump’s advisers as one that will try him on less serious charges than in his other three criminal indictments and raises less substantial issues about his fitness for office as he runs for president again. Americans who have responded to a Quinnipiac University poll last fall agreed the New York charges were less serious than his other charges.

“That’s the one that has the least consequence. He doesn’t face jail time even if convicted,” one person familiar with Trump’s legal approach told CNN.


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Trump reacts after judge orders him and companies to pay $355 million

The Florida documents case is scheduled to follow the New York trial, with a start date set for the end of May.

Trump, his team, his co-defendants and the special counsel’s office prosecutors are set to appear before Cannon in her Fort Pierce, Florida, courthouse Friday.

“We most certainly are going to ask to move that trial date,” Trump defense lawyer Todd Blanche said about the documents case schedule at a separate hearing in the New York case earlier this month.

Friday’s hearing is expected to grapple with scheduling issues but could last hours and delve into meatier tensions in the case. It is not expected to address all the legal questions Trump has mounted, such as his attempts to get access to more evidence or his arguments to dismiss his case.

The former president’s bid to claim presidential immunity in the Mar-a-Lago case – saying he was able to remove national security documents from the White House just before he left office because he deemed them “personal” records while he was still president – would likely be discussed later and could prompt another rare appeal before a trial.

Already, Trump’s team is considering asking Cannon to reschedule the trial in Florida for a month or two later, so that it would be reset for July, according to sources familiar with his strategy.

That would create a hole in Trump’s court schedule after the New York trial that no other case is positioned to fill. It would also block out his calendar for a crucial window from July into September.

Trump’s team believes the Mar-a-Lago case, if it’s moved July, could box out Chutkan from putting the federal election subversion case on the schedule once Supreme Court appeals are addressed. When July nears, Trump’s team or the special counsel’s office could ask Cannon again to move the Mar-a-Lago trial back, and she may consider it because of the complexities in the case.

Chutkan has made clear she believes Trump should be tried in her courtroom on a tight schedule.

The special counsel’s office has repeatedly argued that the public, too, deserves to have Trump’s federal election case before a jury quickly, potentially even before the next presidential election.

“[Trump’s] personal interest in postponing trial proceedings must be weighed against two powerful countervailing considerations: the government’s interest in fully presenting its case without undue delay; and the public’s compelling interest in a prompt disposition of the case,” the Justice Department wrote to the Supreme Court recently.

“The charges here involve applicant’s alleged efforts to disenfranchise tens of millions of voters,” the special counsel’s office added. “The national interest in resolving those charges without further delay is compelling.”

Of course, Chutkan could still set a court date that overlaps with other judges’ cases if the 2020 election case returns to her courtroom from the Supreme Court. While Trump couldn’t be on trial simultaneously in two different courts, judges could have overlapping schedules initially because trial dates can often move.

Judges may confer on timing

New York state Supreme Court Judge Juan Merchan, who is overseeing Trump’s hush money criminal case, disclosed publicly he had been in touch with Chutkan as recently as this month. The two judges had initially both scheduled trials for March.

“There is a lot of moving parts in the DC case. Really nobody knows what’s going to happen and when it’s going to happen,” Merchan said at a recent hearing, announcing his court would hold jury selection for Trump on March 25.

Blanche, who represents Trump in multiple criminal cases, called the quick trial a “grave injustice” and “election interference.”

“We have been faced with extremely compressed and expedited schedules in each and every one of those trials,” Blanche told Merchan at the hearing. He added that the legal team was swamped with work, and Trump, involved in his cases, was busy too.

Merchan previously called out Trump’s team for trying to play his New York trial date against his 2020 election case before Chutkan, so neither would move forward.

“We would have wound up adjourning our case only to see the DC https://bersiaplah.com case not start on March 4,” Merchan said. “That’s the problem with jock[ey]ing and moving when there are multiple parts, and we don’t all have control over each one of those parts.”

Merchan acknowledged Trump shouldn’t be on trial in more than one court at once.

“Mr. Trump does have an absolute right to be present in all of his criminal trials,” the judge said at the hearing. “It’s an important right, and one that he has every right to certainly take advantage of. He’s not going to be in more than one criminal trial at the same time.”

Takeaways from the $355 million civil fraud ruling against Donald Trump

Judge Arthur Engoron and former President Donald Trump.

Judge Arthur Engoron and former President Donald Trump. PoolCNN — 

Judge Arthur Engoron hit Donald Trump with his biggest punishment to date on Friday, in a ruling that fined the former president $355 million for fraudulently inflating the values of his properties.

Combined with the $83 million judgment issued against Trump for defaming E. Jean Carroll, that means Trump has been fined roughly $438 million over the past four weeks.

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - JANUARY 11: Former U.S. President Donald Trump sits in New York State Supreme Court during his civil fraud trial on January 11, 2024 in New York City. Trump won't make his own closing arguments after his lawyers objected to  Judge Arthur Engoron insistence that Trump stay within the bounds of "relevant, material facts that are in evidence" of the case. Trump faces a permanent ban from running a business in New York state and $370 million in penalties in the case brought by state Attorney General Letitia James. (Photo by Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)

RELATED LIVE-STORYJudge orders Trump to pay nearly $355 million in civil fraud trial

Friday’s ruling underscored how the civil cases against Trump are still significantly damaging to the former president, endangering his business empire even as he faces four criminal trials, the first of which is set to begin next month.

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Engoron found Trump liable for fraud, conspiracy and issuing false financial statements and false business records, and he barred him from serving as director of a company in New York for three years. But while he stopped short of dissolving the Trump Organization altogether, Engoron issued a blistering 93-page opinion that painted the former president as unremorseful and highly likely to commit fraud again.

“Their complete lack of contrition and remorse borders on pathological,” Engoron wrote of Trump and his co-defendants.

Here’s what to know from the decision:

Engoron’s fines are the biggest yet against Trump

The fines Engoron levied in his ruling against Trump – known as “disgorgement,” or the return of ill-gotten gains – are higher in terms of magnitude than any previous fine levied against the former president and his company.

New York Attorney General Letitia James had asked Engoron to fine Trump and other defendants $370 million, accusing them of engaging in a long-running fraud scheme of inflating Trump’s assets on his financial statements.

It came pretty close. Engoron found that the defendants’ fraud saved them about $168 million in interest, fining Trump and his companies that amount.

Judge Engoron and former President Donald Trump.

RELATED ARTICLEREAD: Ruling ordering Trump and his companies to pay nearly $355M in New York civil fraud case

Engoron ruled that Trump and his companies were liable for $126 million in ill-gotten profits from the sale of the Old Post Office in Washington, DC, a contract the judge says “was obtained through the use of false SFC (statements of financial condition).”

And the judge ruled that Trump and his companies were liable for $60 million in profits from the sale of Ferry Point in the Bronx.

Engoron also wrote that Trump would be required for interest on those payments, which could potentially add as much as $100 million to the total he’s ultimately required to pay.

In addition, Trump was barred from serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation or other legal entity in New York for a period of three years.

Engoron gets the last word, and then some

Trump repeatedly attacked Engoron and the case throughout the 11-week trial on social media, outside the courtroom – and even to the judge’s face while he testified.

On Friday, Engoron got the last word, painting Trump as a “pathological” fraudster who would not stop unless forced.

“Defendants’ refusal to admit error – indeed, to continue it, according to the Independent Monitor – constrains this Court to conclude that they will engage in it going forward unless judicially restrained,” Engoron wrote.

Engoron acknowledged that the sins Trump committed – which his lawyers frequently argued had no victim because banks were repaid and often eager to do business with Trump’s company – were not as serious as some crimes. But he faulted Trump and his co-defendants for a complete lack of contrition.

“This is a venial sin, not a mortal sin. Defendants did not commit murder or arson. They did not rob a bank at gunpoint. Donald Trump is not Bernard Madoff. Yet, defendants are incapable of admitting the error of their ways. Instead, they adopt a ‘See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil’ posture that the evidence belies,” the judge wrote.

Engoron even turned to poetry to make his point: “The English poet Alexander Pope (1688-1744) first declared, ‘To err is human, to forgive is divine.’ Defendants apparently are of a different mind.”

Engoron was critical of Trump’s testimony on the stand, when the former president mostly ignored questions and took the opportunity instead to give political speeches attacking the case, the attorney general and the judge. At first, Engoron tried to rein Trump in – even threatening to remove him as a witness at one point – but he eventually gave up and let Trump rant in response to the questions from the attorney general’s lawyer.

“Overall, Donald Trump rarely responded to the questions asked, and he frequently interjected long, irrelevant speeches on issues far beyond the scope of the trial,” Engoron wrote. “His refusal to answer the questions directly, or in some cases, at all, severely compromised his credibility.”

No corporate death penalty as judge backs off dissolving Trump Org.

Believe it or not, it could have been worse for Trump.

The judge banned him from serving as an officer or director of a New York corporation for three years, but did not issue the so-called corporate death penalty.

In September, Engoron issued a summary judgment dissolving Trump’s business certificates in finding that Trump and his co-defendants were liable for persistent and repeated fraud.

But he pulled back from that decision – which had been put on hold pending appeal – on Friday, writing that he no longer felt it was necessary because he was putting in place two different independent monitors to oversee the company going forward.

The independent monitor installed last fall will stay in place for at least three years, Engoron ruled. In addition, he ordered an independent director of compliance should be installed at the Trump Org. at the company’s expense.

“As going forward there will be two-tiered oversight, an Independent Monitor and an Independent Director of Compliance, of the major activities that could lead to fraud, cancellation of the business licenses is no longer necessary,” Engoron wrote.

Trump’s former lawyer and fixer ‘told the truth’

Engoron recapped Michael Cohen’s theatrical trial testimony, acknowledging the credibility issues with Trump’s former lawyer and fixer.

But ultimately, Engoron said, he believed Cohen.

“Although the animosity between the witness and the defendant is palpable, providing Cohen with an incentive to lie, the Court found his testimony credible, based on the relaxed manner in which he testified, the general plausibility of his statements, and, most importantly, the way his testimony was corroborated by other trial evidence,” Engoron wrote.

Engoron pushed back on Trump’s narrative that Cohen was a star witness for the attorney general on whose credibility the case could teeter.

“Michael Cohen was an important witness on behalf of the plaintiff, although hardly the linchpin that defendants have attempted to portray him to be,” Engoron said.

While the testimony from Trump’s former fixer was compromised by his previous perjury plea in another case and some “seeming contradictions” in what he said at this trial, the judge said he believed Cohen when he testified that “Trump did not expressly direct him to reverse engineer financial statements, he ordered him to do so indirectly, in his ‘mob voice.’”

“A less-forgiving factfinder might have concluded differently, might not have believed a single word of a convicted perjurer,” Engoron also wrote. “This factfinder does not believe that pleading guilty to perjury means that you can never tell the truth. Michael Cohen told the truth.”

Trump’s adult sons banned for 2 years

Trump’s eldest sons – who’ve essentially run the Trump Organization since 2017 – are barred from serving as executives in New York for two years, according to Engoron’s order.

The Trumps will have to navigate the two-year penalty as they sort out the future of the family-run real estate company that also hasn’t filled the chief financial officer or controller positions vacated by former Trump Org. execs Allen Weisselberg and Jeff McConney.

During closing arguments last month, Engoron questioned whether the attorney general presented any evidence that Trump’s eldest sons knew that there was fraud going on at the company — but ultimately found them liable for issuing false financial statements, falsifying business records and conspiracy claims.

“They also served as co-executives running the company from January 2017 to today, in which they had intimate knowledge of the Trump Organization’s business, assets, and were provided with financial updates upon request,” Engoron wrote Friday.

The judge knocked Eric Trump’s credibility in his ruling, pointing out inconsistent testimony he gave at trial.

“Eric Trump’s credibility was severely damaged when he repeatedly denied knowing that his father ever even compiled an SFC that valued his assets and showed his net worth ‘until this case came into fruition.’”

He “begrudgingly” conceded at trial that he actually knew about his father’s statements as early as 2013 “upon being confronted with copious documentary evidence conclusively demonstrating otherwise,” the judge wrote.

Engoron also said Eric Trump unconvincingly tried to distance himself from some appraisals of Trump Org. properties that offered a much lower valuation than reported on Donald Trump’s financial statements.

Eric and Donald Trump Jr. were both ordered to pay more than $4 million in disgorgement, or “ill-gotten” profits, they personally received from the 2022 sale of Trump’s hotel at the Old Post Office building in Washington DC.

Ivanka Trump gets to keep her profits on the building sale because she was dismissed as a defendant in the case by an appeals court ahead of trial. But that didn’t stop Engoron from weighing in on her trial testimony, calling it “suspect.”

“Ivanka Trump was a thoughtful, articulate, and poised witness, but the Court found her inconsistent recall, depending on whether she was questioned by OAG or the defense, suspect,” Engoron wrote. “In any event, what Ms. Trump cannot recall is memorialized in contemporaneous emails and documents; in the absence of her memory, the documents speak for themselves.”

Next steps: Trump will appeal the ruling

Trump’s attorneys have already appealed Engoron’s summary judgment last year that found the former president liable for fraud – and Trump’s attorneys are already planning to appeal this decision, too.

Trump attorney Christopher Kise responded to Engoron’s ruling in a statement on Friday, saying the court “ignored the law, ignored the facts.”

Kise added Trump will appeal and https://bersiaplah.com “remains confident the Appellate Division will ultimately correct the innumerable and catastrophic errors made.”

During the 11-week trial, Trump’s attorneys repeatedly criticized Engoron’s handling of the case and raised objections “for the record” and a potential appeal.

Engoron often acknowledged the likelihood of an appeal during the trial, raising his concerns with a reversal with the attorney general’s lawyers when he allowed the testimony of certain witnesses the AG objected to as part of Trump’s defense.

The reality is that the ruling is likely to be tied up in the courts on appeal for a long time, and Engoron’s ruling Friday was written with an eye toward surviving an appellate challenge.